Aligning Outcomes, Assessment and Activities
Contributions to my Learning Community (Courses EDLD 5303 & 5313)
Show me Yours and I will Show You Mine!
Who Owns the ePortfolio
Why an ePortfolio?
The power of game: creating a new learning environment!
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Have you ever had to embark on a journey without any idea of what you might encounter?
Do you have an ePortfolio?
My First Networking Experience: A Learning Journey
Contributions to my Learning Community (Courses EDLD 5302 & 5305)
Are you ready to take action? Follow me and I'll guide you through the steps!
Would you like to hear more about the plan for innovation that I have developed?
Are you open to change?
The COVA Learning Approach
Impact of the Growth Mindset
The perception of the Growth Mindset