This is my first experience, quite challenging, where I have had contact with an ePortfolio. I am not familiar with, nor do I use digital platforms extensively, so delving into this world seems innovative and very interesting to me. Online learning has certain disadvantages, and in particular, I feel that I like to learn with references and access to information when I need it, so I have had to consult different ePortfolios from previous students to compare and contrast with what the teachers ask of us and the instructions for each assignment. What I have learned is that:

1. No one follows the same pattern; everyone has been free to structure their ePortfolio and share information authentically. So, as they say in my country, 'In variety, there is taste.' This means that with so many options, one chooses what they like best to read, learn, or get information. It also serves to take different ways of presenting and sharing information from each one. For example, there's an ePortfolio that I loved because of how they made the Call to Action video, but I found it difficult to navigate through all their pages, while another one where the video was a simple walk through a school (not very creative) I liked more for how they structured their other pages to find the information. One of the many benefits of promoting COVA in the creation of ePortfolios is confirmed.

2. Additionally, I believe it has given me the opportunity to identify the format in which I prefer to see information. In other words, I have seen ePortfolios loaded with distracting images and colors, and I have seen some with excessive text that I find somewhat tedious, so a balance is ideal.
I really like the ones that are neutral, get to the point, and are very well organized. I believe these have a better chance of being user-friendly for any audience. However, if you look at my ePortfolio, you may notice that I am not so conservative, but it is largely because I am experimenting with many digital tools used to create the pages.
Finally, I consider that in all cases, the information presented reflects the personality and growth of each of its creators, and there are some who share very valuable and interesting information that has guided me to expand my knowledge and explore other perspectives.
What do you think of my ePortfolio? What do you think I should improve?