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Contributions to my Learning Community (Courses EDLD 5303 & 5313)


Actualizado: 18 nov 2023

From as far back as I can remember, I have always enjoyed being accompanied when starting or engaging in an activity. I derive much more pleasure from it when I have someone with whom to share my experiences and express what I feel or think. If I incorporate the importance of actively contributing to a group or team into this pleasant sensation, it undoubtedly becomes a valuable lesson that I have reaffirmed throughout my life. It's not just about feeling accompanied or sharing the load, but also about how all of us who make up the team amplify our skills and knowledge. Each member brings a unique perspective and a set of skills to the team, enriching the quality of our decisions and final outcomes.

In the development of the EDLD 5303 and 5313 courses, I have had the good fortune to share with the same classmates who warmly welcomed me into their team in the previous stage. Therefore, we have strengthened our collaboration, and our connection as a team has become even stronger, and mutual support is even more solid. We are no longer strangers but colleagues who work more efficiently and effectively together. Our ability to work has evolved in a proactive and complementary manner. We are familiar with the commitments each of us has, which allows us to support each other and cover any areas where the other may need assistance. Accepting opinions and constructive criticism is now a natural part of our working process. This has created an environment where creativity flourishes, solutions become more robust, and achievements are even more rewarding. Collaboration and feedback remain fundamental pillars for achieving success, and we embrace them with gratitude and humility.

This dedication to what we do continues to be a deeply cherished value for me, and being able to continue sharing it with everyone on the team is even more precious. I invite you to get to know each member of my team.

Next, I will present the results of the self-assessment and the contributions to my learning and the community of those who accompanied me until the end of the EDLD 5303 and 5313 courses.

Applying Educ Tech: Portfolio (EDLD 5305) -------------------------98/100

Create Significant Learning Environment (EDLD 5313)------------98/100


C: Complete.

I am fortunate to have a team where we all care about achieving the goal of learning and completing tasks to the best of our abilities. We exchange information, review our activities before posting them, and share feedback to make the final product more comprehensive and of better quality. We have a chat that allows us to share ideas, exchange links, and files, as well as alert each other to impending deadlines. We understand each other's weaknesses, so we all support one another. Some Mondays, we schedule meetings to review any questions and possible queries about the classes we'll have in the week. We decided to do this on Mondays because most of us work on our tasks during the weekends. These meetings are conducted via Zoom or video calls. On the other hand, I have been able to connect with colleagues who are just starting the master's program and feel disoriented or have many questions. Fortunately, I enjoy being able to help and teach. My collaboration extends not only in class meetings or within my team but also to those who have contacted me seeking support, and I have been able to guide and clarify their doubts willingly. To complete all the activities and provide my insights, I had to read and watch all the readings, videos, and supporting resources to ensure that they reflected thoughtful and evidence-based reflections. I did this well in advance to allow my peers to participate and provide feedback on my comments. All my assignments and activities were submitted on time. I attended all the scheduled Zoom classes on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. with my team. Regarding taking on a leadership role in the team, I believe we all have weaknesses and strengths, and each one assumes the leadership role when it is required, but in the end, we all complement each other.

During the classes, specifically in the breakout rooms, I participated and interacted with my classmates about my experience and approach to assignments and tasks. Although it's not much time, it gives us the opportunity to exchange our ePortfolios or any other resources that may be useful to us. After the meetings, I was able to establish contact with other classmates outside of my team to support them in courses I have already taken and have experience in, sharing resources and tools to complete assignments. I used the available channels in this course to exchange my ePortfolio with other classmates who need references on how to complete assignments with better evaluation, offering my assignments as a reference. I exchanged some emails with the professors to clarify doubts and improve my understanding of APA standards and the development of my tasks.

Lastly, I believe that part of the philosophy of teachers in my country, from elementary school to university, is to go the extra mile and do a little more than what is asked of us. This is to contribute more, to research and learn more, and ultimately, to reach further. For this reason, I think I always try to offer more than what is required as an assignment, whether it's creating a video, a post, a reflection, or even commenting on another classmate's comment, in order to achieve what I believe is the goal of an ePortfolio, which is interaction with the audience. For this reason, I also believe that I contribute beyond the required, in the learning of my community.

I conclude my reflection on my evaluation with my major weakness, which is language. English is my second language. One of my significant strengths is the ease of speaking and expressing myself; however, without the language as an ally, it is an area for improvement. Although it is not part of the rubric that assesses my performance in these courses regarding the contribution to my community, I believe that if I were to master English perfectly, I could have contributed much more.




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