My name is Monica Osio, and as a first-grade teacher at Santa Fe School, a part of the Cleveland Independent School District in Texas, I have had the opportunity to witness the challenges and opportunities in our students' education. In pursuit of improving and adapting our teaching practices, I am currently pursuing a Master's in Applied Digital Learning (ADL) at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas.
As part of this master's program, we are required to develop a project that addresses the specific needs of our school. In this regard, I would like to present the proposal "Implementation of Blended Learning on Reading and Writing Instruction for First Graders."
During my experience as a first-grade teacher, I have noticed a lack of interest and motivation among the majority of my students when faced with traditional reading and writing activities. However, I have observed that their interaction and engagement significantly increase when assigned digital activities. Therefore, I propose the integration of digital devices into our reading and writing lessons.
The digital application I propose is designed for children and allows them to select books based on their interests, encouraging reading for at least 20 minutes per day. Furthermore, this application stores the student's performance, making it easy to assess and track their progress.
To implement this methodology, I suggest using the blended learning rotation model, where students are divided into small groups and engage in individual online activities, group or individual reading and writing activities, and activities with the teacher. This allows for greater flexibility and customization in teaching.
This approach has numerous benefits, such as adapting to students' needs, increasing engagement, providing access to digital resources, and improving feedback. Additionally, it fosters collaboration among students.
My goal is to improve the reading and writing learning of our first-grade students and ensure they meet or exceed the district's minimum standards. To achieve this, I request your authorization to implement this methodology and use the results obtained for comparative and improvement purposes in our schools.
I am asking for the opportunity to implement this pilot program using blended learning on Reading and Writing Instruction in my first grade class. This implementation will allow me to gather information about the growth in my students' reading and writing learning during the school year. This data can be shared and analyzed to serve as support and a foundation for future actions not only in the first grade but also in other grade levels within and outside of this school.