Implementation Outline
Time: 24 months
Presented by: Monica Osio
"Implementation of Blended Learning on Reading and Writing Instruction for First Graders"
The proposed dates in this implementation outline were adjusted to align with the regular school year starting in August each year, so the timelines may be modified by those who adopt this outline or based on the performance of the implementing entity in their school.
Phase 1. Research and Creating Conditions (months 0-5)
1.1 Research
Conduct research on the available bibliography regarding the implementation of the rotation model in Blended Learning.
Analyze the results obtained in the literature consulted under this rotation modality of Blended Learning, taking into account all available resources: types of activities, time at each station, types of stations, type of digital resources used (with emphasis on those using Amira as a digital learning resource).
Identify the benefits and advantages of the Blended Learning rotation model.
Evaluate other software options available in the market that demonstrate better and greater effectiveness than Amira, Renaissance, Class Dojo, in order to generate a comparison matrix about advantages, benefits, problems, costs.
1.2 Evaluation and Definition of the Current Situation
Implement individual and group activities and assessments to identify the reading and writing levels of students at the beginning of the school year.
Define and establish work groups where students can initially be selected to belong to each one based on their weaknesses and needs.
Review the bibliographic support to establish a solid foundation.
Share the criteria established for each group with the school's coaches to ensure that all necessary factors are taken into account and make the required adjustments before implementation.
1.3 Proposal Presentation
Design a presentation that contains a solid proposal based on the results of the initial evaluation of students, as well as the benefits of Blended Learning.
Present the proposal to colleagues, coaches, and the principal's assistant to motivate them to implement this teaching strategy and participate in the record of results.
Create a presentation for the parents of students to inform them about this new strategy that the teacher will be using in class, as well as the invaluable support their participation means in their children's learning process. This presentation should include flyers that parents can take home with information on how their children can continue learning from home using digital devices.
1.4 Establish Objectives
Teach students how Blended Learning works, specifically the rotation model: activities, timing, groups, resources (traditional, digital, playful).
Teach students to develop reading and writing skills.
Teach students to understand and respond coherently with complete sentences.
Promote learning through creative and enjoyable activities that stimulate and develop critical thinking.
Encourage parental support for their children's learning from home through engaging activities.
Create a record of the progress of students' learning after the implementation of Blended Learning, based on the results of their individual assessments.
Create a comparative database between the results obtained in the school year and the standard results or those of other classrooms in the same grade, in order to determine with a solid foundation the effectiveness of the Blended Learning rotation model used in classes.
Phase 2. Planning (months 6-7)
2.1 Define the structure (stations) to be used in the rotation model (Blended Learning.
Rotation Models (Bailey & Martin, 2013)
Small Group Station: Small groups of similar level, where the teacher conducts specific activities focused on students' weaknesses and needs.
Digital Station: Similar-level groups where students connect to an electronic device (iPad, tablet, Chromebook) to work with the Amira application. This application teaches them to read and adjusts to the student's response level while also tracking their progress.
Writing Station: Groups of students of similar level engage in activities with traditional resources adapted to their level to practice writing.
Reading Station: Groups of students of similar level participate in fun activities with manipulatives that promote the development of skills in recognizing sounds, letters, first sound, last sound, rhymes, etc.
2.2 Define student’s assessment
Schedule a meeting with the coach to establish assessment criteria (rubrics), specific assessment instruments (paper or digital), and those set by the school district for evaluating students.
Present the proposal for specific assessment methods (daily, formative, participation-based, dictation, individual, group, project-based, etc.) in a meeting with the coach and other colleagues to receive feedback, make adjustments, or incorporate new ideas.
Create a schedule with dates for district-required assessments as well as specific assessments to meet the school's grading requirements at the end of each period.
Phase 3. Implementation I (months 8-10)
3.1 Apply infrastructure and resources: Through the use of traditional activities and digital applications such as Renaissance, Amira, and Class Dojo, the rotation model stations (Blended Learning) will be executed every day, following a schedule established by groups and their respective levels, for a duration of 20 minutes at each station. To do this, students will use their respective workstations organized in groups of 5 or 6 students (according to their levels), and the electronic equipment (iPads, Chromebooks, and headphones) provided by the school. Class Dojo application will be used for motivation and participation incentives, as well as a tool for communication with parents.
3.2 Apply students’ assessments: The daily assessments proposed by the teacher, as well as the standardized assessments required by the School District, will be administered. Through these instruments, along with the information provided by the Renaissance and Amira applications, results on student learning progress will be obtained. This data will be used to make adjustments or changes in the activities provided to students, as well as in the grouping by level, in order to improve results.
3.3 To obtain feedback from parents of the students: Send parents a brief survey where they can express their perception of their children's behavior during this school year to identify if their motivation and enthusiasm for learning surprised them or was different from previous school years.
Phase 4. Identifying Improvement Opportunities (months 11-12)
4.1 Conduct an analysis of the data recorded during the school year implementing the rotation model of Blended Learning. Based on the results of students' progress in the area of reading and writing, considering the validity of the results in the district's standardized assessments, and making a comparison with the progress of other students in the same grade and course, effectiveness and performance criteria are established, addressing the following questions:
What was the percentage of students who exceeded their initial level?
What was the percentage of students who exceeded more than one level?
What was the percentage of students who exceeded the level required by the School District for the first grade?
Can a goal be established as a starting point for the next school year?
Is the established goal higher than the successful ones recorded in the consulted literature?
Am I satisfied with the results, or should adjustments be made?
Are the coaches and the assistant principal satisfied with this implementation and supportive of the idea of promoting it in other grades?
The answers to these and other questions that arise during the implementation of this learning model will serve to validate its effectiveness and verify with real results the convenience of applying it in other grades. Therefore, success will not only be reflected in the students of the school year but also in the dissemination of a methodology that ensures the success of any teacher.
Phase 5. Create digital resources (months 13-14)
5.1 Adjust the rotation model of Blended Learning:
Revise the previous presentation of the phase #1 to include the results obtained in the previous analysis, agreed-upon improvements, and identified areas of opportunity for the upcoming school year where this model will be implemented.
Create a Blended Learning rotation model that takes into consideration the feedback and suggestions from colleagues, coaches, supervisors, and parents regarding the implementation of this model in the previous school year.
5.2 Create an ePortofolio:
Develop an ePortfolio containing all the information and bibliographic support used in the first phase of this plan, as well as the structure, benefits, and advantages of this model prior to its implementation. This is intended to make all the content available to stakeholders (colleagues, school and district administrative staff, and parents of students) and allow their participation in an interactive blog where they can provide suggestions and feedback on this model and its implementation during the school year.
Phase 6. Creating Conditions (months 15-16)
6.1 Evaluation and Definition of the Current Situation
Implement individual and group activities and assessments to identify the reading and writing levels of students in this moment of the school year.
Define and establish work groups where students can initially be selected to belong to each one based on their weaknesses and needs.
Share the criteria established for each group with the school's coaches to ensure that all necessary factors are taken into account and make the required adjustments before implementation.
Phase 7. Implementation II (months 17-22)
7.1 Apply infrastructure and resources: Implement the previously adjusted Rotation Model of Blended Learning.
7.2 Apply students' assessments: record the results in students' learning progress, using the assessments considered in the previous school year, and any other proposals suggested by collaborative groups (colleagues, coaches, and supervisors).
Phase 8. Final analysis, model adoption, and distribution (months 23-24)
8.1 Conduct an analysis of the data recorded during the 6 months in the school year implementing the rotation model of Blended Learning.
Based on the efficiency and performance criteria established in phase #1 in the comparative database, final conclusions are drawn regarding the implementation of this model.
Observations, criticisms, and comments received in the ePortfolio are taken into account.
The respective modifications are made to the model implemented over the past two school years.
The final model, results, and conclusions are published in the ePortfolio.
Bailey, J., & Martin, N. (2013). Blended learning implementation guide.
Horn , M., Staker, H., & Christensen, C. (2014). Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools. Jossey Bass, Wiley Brand.