My Learning Manifesto
I have embarked on this digital learning journey without any idea of the stumbling blocks and challenges I will have to face. I have chosen to see it as part of my professional development, with a strong desire to learn about a world I know nothing about and of which I don't feel I have any prior knowledge. Every day, I face it with a certain fear of not measuring up, but in the short time I've been on this path, I've discovered a universe of possibilities where I can explore different ways to develop and harness my skills. I've also discovered, once again, that one doesn't know what they are capable of until they dare to try new things…..

Looking in the rearview mirror
Throughout my life, I have always been passionate about adventures and challenges. From my childhood, I had the opportunity to explore a wide range of talents and disciplines, from sports to artistic and scientific activities. This passion for trying new things and venturing into unknown territories led me to excel both in my studies and my professional career. After obtaining my degree in Civil Engineering, I managed to rank first in my class and build a successful career in a major steel company in South America.
However, my desire to continue challenging myself led me to embark on new paths. I decided to pursue a postgraduate degree in Project Management to take on greater responsibilities within my company. Later, after getting married and becoming a mother, I took a bold step and founded my own business called 'Zona Divertida,' an innovative space for hosting children's events with various entertainment zones. Subsequently, I created a children's magazine along with an interactive website called ',' which allowed children to participate in contests and take part in the magazine.
What truly passionates me…..
My passion has always been centered on providing quality children's entertainment, as I value the importance of giving children the opportunity to have fun and learn simultaneously. In every project I led related to children's entertainment, I experienced the joy and satisfaction of seeing children actively want to participate, develop their skills, and feel motivated to explore new activities. My passion for creating meaningful experiences for children, that I had as a child, continues to drive me forward into the future.
Five years ago, my family's life changed drastically... We decided to embark on the greatest adventure of our lives so far: leaving everything behind and starting from scratch in another country, in another culture, in another language. Together, we undertook this new journey. This meant that my professional career had to take a different turn. I studied Communication at Houston Community College, took courses to become a certified teacher, and had the opportunity to work as a first-grade teacher in a public school. Once again, I poured all my passion into teaching children, creating fun lessons, and enjoying their reactions and expressions of satisfaction and joy with each of their achievements!
Now, I am pursuing this Master's in Education. But it's not just any Master's! I chose a significant challenge: the mighty beast of Digital Learning! Despite my beliefs that artificial intelligence cannot replace human interaction and my fear of not having the ability to navigate a rapidly advancing digital world, I have embarked on another journey filled with challenges and opportunities.

Digital learning is a completely unknown universe for me. For years, I've resisted acknowledging that it challenges me every time I try to handle any technology. But as they say, knowledge is power. Every day, I learn more, and I realize how unaware I am of how useful and incredibly marvelous it is to know how to use digital tools. I've also learned how much it has contributed to the growth and evolution of learning at all levels, from preschool to university. There is so much to learn, and yet, there is no guide on how to navigate this foreign world. Digital learning is so flexible that each scenario is different and can adjust to different variables. However, the benefits are countless.
Despite my preparation as a teacher with skills, creativity, and knowledge, I feel unprepared to meet the current demands of education, which require effective integration of technology. The key is to learn how to use these tools as a complement and create learning environments tailored to the needs of students. My experience in the school environment has revealed that many teachers lack the necessary training to effectively incorporate technology in the classroom. Often, school districts focus on providing equipment but not on training teachers for its proper use.
They are games and applications that are not designed to foster their creativity and critical thinking. I consider it essential that technology be used responsibly in education by carefully selecting software that promotes digital learning rather than encouraging students to consume time on devices.
In this journey that has just begun, I became aware for the first time when I looked back at my academic preparation, everything I have undertaken throughout my life, and what I am still willing to learn. I continue to be amazed by my ability to embrace new challenges and feel fortunate to have the opportunity to discover my passion for continuous learning and not staying stagnant. This is called a Growth Mindset. Now, with my new profession and the learning abilities I possess, I will not only empower my students further but also be capable of sharing with my colleagues the infinite possibilities of digital learning, and how interesting, useful, and critically necessary it is for achieving our goals.
The following is my learning manifesto, my beliefs about learning, and my goals for the future. This journey is just beginning, so I will continue to incorporate new knowledge and experiences that will foster my professional development, benefiting my future endeavors and anyone I can share it with, despite any challenges I might face.
I believe in the power of the games
I am fully convinced of the immense benefits that come with learning through play, both from my perspective as a professional in the field of child development, as a mother and now as a teacher. I firmly believe that promoting fun through enjoyable activities and playful lessons yields far more positive results than merely focusing on academic learning. A clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics titled "The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children", supports this idea by demonstrating that play can enhance children's abilities to plan, organize, get along with others, and regulate their emotions. Additionally, play contributes to language development, math skills, social skills, and even helps children cope with stress.
I believe in the Growth Mindset
“In a Growth Mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow” .
- Carol Dweck.
I am convinced of the power of a growth mindset.
I am living proof of its effectiveness, as are many
of those who have joined me on this journey of
shifting our plans and testing our resilience.
However, beyond believing in what I can achieve
(and have achieved with this growth mindset),
I am now aware of the power I possess to nurture
and foster that mindset in my students.
I understand how much I can change their future
and increase their chances of success in any
challenge they may face.
I believe in the Power of Education
“Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.”
- Chinese Proverb
I am a firm believer that we are all learners, and even when we are teaching, at that very moment, we are learning.
Creating this learning manifesto allowed me to journey into the past and become aware of how much I have traversed on the path of my education, as well as in my empowerment to overcome challenges. Today, I bear witness to the importance of having a growth mindset. I want to continue learning tools to overcome new obstacles and be able to share my experiences with my family, friends, colleagues, and anyone who finds them useful.
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2018, 26 de noviembre). El poder del juego: cómo la diversión y los juegos ayudan a los niños a prosperar. Healthy Children > Vida familiar.

The benefits of digital learning are remarkable, but it is essential to provide proper training to teachers to harness its full potential in students' educational progress. I believe that currently, digital resources used by children tend to be primarily a source of distraction and entertainment, keeping them occupied following predefined patterns.

When we understand that learning knows no boundaries or predefined limits, we open the door to a world of endless possibilities, discover new talents, and empower ourselves to adapt to changes and overcome challenges. Having the opportunity to learn new things also allows us to make a significant contribution to the world around us.